
She made her debut... and we are so happy!

I know I am going out of order, but I just can't hold of writing all of this down any more for fear I will forget any/part of it for Quincy. Facts about my pregnancy with you... We found out when I was 4 weeks along and we could not be any more excited/anxious for you to come. August 5, 2012 was the "due date". At week 6, however, I REALLY couldn't wait for you to come because that is when morning sickness showed its ugly face. And ugly it was! It hit me fast and hard and I was on the couch/bed/leaned over the toilet until week 11. All I could eat and keep down was bread with butter and sometimes jam, ginger ale (for about a week), sour cream and onion pringles soon became our favorite, and crackers. My only other symptom was my super sniffer, yes I could smell things a mile away and sadly your dad was the worst. All I wanted was to cuddle with him when I didn't feel well, but once he came near me I had to run to the bathroom. As soon as week 11 came I woke up feeling brand new and so energetic! My super sniffer settled down and Dad smelled great again and I could eat anything, fruit was my favorite then. We found out we were having a little girl at week 17.5 right before I went out of town for work. I started wearing maternity clothes at week 16 because my pants were getting a bit tight! My favorite part of being pregnant with you was feeling you move. You were quite the little mover, in fact I knew I was getting a handful because you never stopped and I wondered if you ever slept! Sleeping for me got harder after about week 34. You would get the hiccups when I laid down to go to bed often. Dad got sick of me grabbing his hand to feel you move every 10 minutes, but I loved those little kicks in my ribs! My worst symptom in the later months was my feet swelling. I called them my Shrek feet, and hated them every second! No high heels for mom the last little while. I mowed the lawn with you up until the day you came.
I was worried you were not going to come on your own because from week 36 on I was effaced 80% and dilated to a 1.5, but no progression. I tested positive for group B Strep so I had to get an antibiotic in my system 4 hours before you came to keep you from getting sick. They advised me to come in after I had contractions every 5 minutes apart for 2 hours. Saturday August 4 I got up and cleaned the house and mowed the lawn. Then I showered and got ready and Dad and I were watching the olympics, at 8 pm I felt my first real contraction, not a braxton hick (which I had all day long every day!). I had another one at 8:05 and consistently every 5 minutes for an hour and a half. I decided I should go in because the hospital was a half hour away. On the way they switched to every 3 minutes apart and I was EXCITED! Not nervous at all just excited! Dad and I stopped at Sonic and I got a slushy while he ate a cheese burger. They brought out the wrong flavored slushy but my contractions were so close together that I didn't care and we left.
When we got to triage, the nurses acted like they didn't believe me that I was in labor, but once they checked me and found out I was dilated to a 4 they let me stay. They did admit they thought they were going to have to send me home because I had only been having contractions for 2 hours. They put me in a room and Dad was great when I was uncomfortable from the contractions he would push on my knees or tickle my back and it was great. I started getting nervous about pushing when my contractions were about a minute apart and I was dilated to a 7 and I decided to get an epidural. While they were prepping me for it, my water broke. They didn't think I would make it 4 hours with the antibiotics, but said I would be okay. Grandma and Grandpa made it to the hospital from Idaho just in time. They called my doctor at 3:20 am and I started pushing around 3:40 am when he arrived. You came at 3:53 am and it was such a wonderful feeling. It was the greatest moment ever when they handed you to me and you looked up with those perfect big blue eyes! You weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and were 19 inches long. And you were such a Quincy!!!
Dad and I enjoyed being with you at the hospital but loved taking you home with us! You were so cuddly and such a good girl. You never slept, but you never cried so I was okay with talking to you all day. At your 3 week appointment the doctor was shocked with how alert you were, you never cried at the doctors office and would just stare at everyone. He said it wasn't normal for a newborn to sleep as little as you do and be that happy and alert, but he said we must have ordered you from the factory that way! Oh and bytheway... you LOVE taking bathes :) You go sort of comatose and just lay there looking off into space. You would be completely content if we would just let you lay there in the warm water all night. Quincy London Call... we could not be more happy with your birth and having you in our lives. Greatest gift EVER!!! You are better than chocolate-ice cream-and puppies! Love you sweetheart!

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